Below are helpful guides and links to help you understand and share what’s at stake if Congress eliminates funding for the Corporation for National and Community Service. We will be updating this page frequently with new tools as they become available and encourage you to read them and distribute them.

Below are helpful guides and links to help you understand and share what’s at stake if Congress eliminates funding for the Corporation for National and Community Service. We will be updating this page frequently with new tools as they become available and encourage you to read them and distribute them.
Congressional Vote Tracker
Check out this document to see how your member voted on the Serve America Act and other important votes on service.
Save Service Summary
A quick guide to Save Service and the importance of service funding.
Service at Work in Your State
A one page overview of how programs funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service are having an impact in your state.
Corporation for National and Community Service Comprehensive State Reports
Click on your state to download the full report, which is a comprehensive overview of the numerous organizations that receive funding and are having an impact in communities all across your state.
Service Testimonial
A document that you can personalize and send to your Member of Congress.
Case Studies on the Impact of National Service
“Doing More with Less,” a report prepared by Root Cause, analyzes the link between service and the ability to make progress on difficult social issues.

Save Service Letters to U.S. House and U.S. Senate – Service leaders from across the country call on Congress to fund CNCS in FY12
U.S. Senate Letter
22 U.S. Senators register their support for FY12 funds for the Corporation for National and Community Service.
U.S. House Letter
Members of the House of Representatives, led by the National Service Caucus, urge appropriators to fund the Corporation for National and Community Service in FY12.

Guidelines for CNCS Grantees – Important information for grantees of the Corporation for National and Community Service regarding participation in the Save Service campaign.

- Save AmeriCorps Petitions State by State – Download a state-by-state list of over 100,000 nationwide signers of the Save AmeriCorps petition.
- Mayoral Support Letter – Mayors of cities across the country have signed the letter of support for saving service.
- Private Sector Support Letter – CEOs of private businesses and corporations who have signed a letter of support for saving service.
- Service Field Support Letter – Signed letter from the heads of nonprofit organizations, charities, and service programs in suppot of saving service funding.
- University President Support Letter – Letter of support for saving service, signed by public and private university presidents across the country.

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